“Mentor. Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight”

C.S. Lewis

Thursday, May 31, 2012


AIME provides a dynamic educational Program that gives Indigenous high school students the skills, opportunities, belief and confidence to finish school at the same rate as their peers. AIME has proven to dramatically improve the chances of Indigenous kids finishing school. AIME also connects students with post Year 12 opportunities, including further education and employment. While the program is currently Sydney-based it provides an example of an effective mentoring model for indigenous students.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Australia Post Kids Teaching Kids Week

27-31 August 2012

Kids Teaching Kids

The Kids Teaching Kids Program Management Team is led by two national identities, Arron and Richard Wood, who combine their expertise in education and the environment to produce this unique education model and program. Together with their team of education support officers, Arron and Richard offer teachers professional development and ongoing program support to ensure authentic learning. This approach has contributed to Kids Teaching Kids being recognised by a range of leading environmental and education organisations.

Young Professionals Network NT

The Northern Territory’s Young Professionals Network division was launched in July 2005. Its formulation was part of the IPAA National Strategic Plan and a recognised need for contemporary peers given the young Territory population base. The objective of YPN NT is to provide a forum for professional development, social events and network building opportunities for young people employed in the Northern Territory public, private and community sectors

ALGWA NT Mentoring Program

The Australian Local Government Women’s Association (ALGWA) is committed to supporting both female Elected Members and Officers. Whether you are in or considering entering local government, you may seek advice or support from experienced women in the Industry

ASD Mentors (NT)

ASD Mentors NT is a volunteer organisation providing individual mentoring and peer support for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD’s) in the Northern Territory.

Personal Helpers & Mentors Program (NSW, SA, Tas, NT)

The Personal Helpers and Mentors Program is a federally funded program that is part of the COAG (Council of Australian Governments) mental health strategy. The Personal Helpers and Mentors Program aims to provide increased opportunities for recovery for people who have a severe functional limitation resulting from mental illness

Australian Youth Mentoring Network: SA & NT

The Australian Youth Mentoring Network, Australia's peak mentoring body, is a national hub for youth mentoring research, tools and resources. We work with interested youth mentoring organisations and practitioners to foster the growth and development of high quality mentoring programs for young people in Australia by providing a national base of collaboration, support, guidance and expertise.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

$900k for GEMS

The May 2012 NT Budget has announced an allocation of $900,000 "to expand engagement programs for girls, including establishment of the Girls Engagement, Mentoring and Support (GEMS) program to add to the successful Clontarf engagement programs"